The Smiling Coast of Africa

*These are my personal views, opinions, and ramblings and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States government or The Peace Corps.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

So it's official!

“Security is mostly superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger in the long run is no safer that outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing."Helen Keller

My departure dates are official - I have staging (stateside training) July 3-5th in Philadelphia. It is nice that staging is in Philly, for me at least, since it is so close to home. The parentals can come see me off at the airport perhaps on the 5th. I get the feeling that the whole "Becca will be gone for two years" has been hitting them pretty hard in the past couple of days. They are starting to freak out a bit, but in the most loving and supportive way possible. It's very sweet.

I need to start brushing up on my Philly sightseeing options so I can show around the rest of my staging group since Philly is technically my "hometown". I have been out of the Philly scence for awhile so I will need to look up some 4th of July festivities. Of course convincing everyone that Pat's is better than Geno's is at the top of the list even though I don't even eat the cheesesteaks's about loyalty people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good quote. You might like this one too:

"We rest here while we can, but we hear the ocean calling in our dreams, And we know by the morning, the wind will fill our sails to test the seams, The calm is on the water and part of us would linger by the shore, For ships are safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for."
--Tom Kimmel & Michael Lille

Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog the other day. It's great getting feedback. So, did you just meet Todd since you were places in The Gambia? I take it you're fromt he Philly area, currently living in D.C? If that's the case, then you probably don't know Sir Todd very well. He's one of the coolest guys you're likely to meet. He and I worked together (well, I should say we worked the same job ... though never having the opportunity to work it together) this past year at school. I'm not sure what the situation will look like once you're over there, but if it follows in form with what I've heard about the PC, you'll be able to see him every once in a while.

Good luck preparing for your departure. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading. Sorry ... this is way too long to be a comment on a blog, but I didn't have an e-mail address for you. You can find mine on my Web site ... which you can get to from my blog.

Nice quasi-meeting you Becca. May God bless what you're doing for the world.


1:32 PM, June 09, 2006  
Blogger Todd said...

Hey Becca, look forward to meeting you in Philly! Hope we all will have a chance to go out and watch some fireworks. Best wishes, talk to you soon.

1:25 PM, June 11, 2006  
Blogger Hannah said...

Hey Becca! Yay for you being the willing tour guide. I actually will be in Philidelphia on the afternoon of July 2nd. I have to come early since I'm from the opposite coast. The Peace Corps pays for the extra night in the hotel, which is very nice indeed. I'm looking forward to meeting you and everyone else in the Gambia group! Are you starting to get freaked out? I am, a little, but I'm way more excited!

~Hannah :-)

8:23 AM, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Evan said...

Hey Becca! I'm in your Gambian group. Can't wait to get there. I just put up my blog tonight. You guys have quite the network going on here already. My e-mail address is evanmroth at gmail if you want to contact me. Look forward to meeting you in Philly!

3:31 AM, June 19, 2006  
Blogger Evan said...

Hey Becca, I hope you don't mind that I put your Helen Keller quote on a post today. I'm really lame and unoriginal, so I take things from other people's blogs and put them on my own. I was going to try and find my own quote, but that one is perfect to me for how I feel. thanks and good luck finalizing your departure!

7:10 PM, July 01, 2006  

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