The Smiling Coast of Africa

*These are my personal views, opinions, and ramblings and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States government or The Peace Corps.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Medically fit to serve!!!!!!!!!!

This is me on the top of Table Mt. in South Africa while on Semester at Sea (2003). I wanted to post a pic of me so you all don't forget my smiling face :). And somehow when I figure out how to post it to my profile, I will do that.

On a completely different note than my picture, I found out yesterday that I am MEDICALLY CLEARED to serve in the Peace Corps!!!!!!!! While its true, that you might be wondering why this is such a big deal and why I am so excited to be told that I am healthy when I already knew that. It has been a long 5 months of doctor's visits, needles, bloodwork and paperwork and I am so glad to finally be through with it. Now that I am medically cleared, the Placement office can start finding me a community! Very excited about all the wonderful possibilities but my over active imagination is seriously making it impossible to sleep at night! Hope I find out soon!!!!


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