The Smiling Coast of Africa

*These are my personal views, opinions, and ramblings and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States government or The Peace Corps.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Elections, Ramadan and First Term of School....

Hello all after a long break!!!!

I am visiting some friends in a large town so I wanted to jump on the internet real quick and update everybody. The first weeks at site are going well. My school is up and going, which is not the norm for first term here especially during Ramadan when everything in the region just stops because it is so hot and everyone is thirsty and hungry from fasting all day. My school is great and I really like the village - everyone is very helpful and friendly. There are minor daily frustrations but nothing above and beyond what you would find at home....yet. The presidential elections went off without a hitch and can even be described as boring. So no riots or other fun news to report on that front.

Ramadan is an interesting event to witness and next year I really want to fast along with everyone else. The hardest part has got to be the 'no drinking' rule because of the heat. The whole point of fasting during Ramadan is for solidarity with the poor so that one can experience what is it is to really be in need and also to purge yourself of distractions to really focus on God. I think those are both admirable reasons for going without food for a month so I am excited to do it next year. This year it was just too many new things at once....

My projects at school, the library, computer lab and teacher training are going well if slowly. Everything here is on a much much slower pace than at home. My co-workers laugh at me and say "Haddy, you are always so busy. You must rest and chat." I just laugh and respond with " well, I am American we like to work a lot and be busy." So I am trying to work on "just being" and not always have to have a task. Will you keep you updated on my progress corssing this culutral divide.

Miss you all tons and hopefully will be able to update again soon. Note on my cellphone: cell reception is non-exsistent in my village so I need to go stand by one specific sign or go to the next town to get reception. Will try and let people know when I am in a town with reception.

Be ci kanam! (Till later!)


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