Officially sworn in and heading up country!
Yesterday I was officially sworn in at the US Ambassador's house, and I have a nifty certificate to prove it! Swearing in went really well and consisted of various speeches in both Mandinka and English, a ridiculous amount of food, and us singing a very cheesy Wollof song, and lots of pictures of very proud group of male PCVs showing off their obnoxious but endearing mustaches. Following swearing in we had the rest of the day free so we got in some quality beach time before heading up country.
In just a few days The Gambia is going to experience a wonderful display of the democratic process by voting for the presidential candidate of their choosing. Election day is bound to be interesting so I will try and give an update about it next time I have access to internet. Ramadan will also soon be upon us and will definitely be interesting so I will be sure to update about that too!!!!
I am headed up country for my 3 Month Challenge so look for another post in about three months! Mail will definitely be appreciated when I am alone in village for three months so let me know how life is going in the US!
Jamma rek!
God's Peace for safe Journey!
So Proud...
Love & Miss you lots...
Mom, Dad, Lindsay & Lauren
ps care package on its way...
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